Sunday, September 20, 2009


The people of the Philippines are known as Filipinos. Throughout the colonial era the term "Filipino" originally referred to the Spanish and Spanish-mestizo minority. The definition, however, was later changed to include the entire population of the Philippines regardless of ethnic origin. Philippines is the most ethnically diverse country in Asia.

Over 95% of the population is ethnically Malay, descendants of immigrants from the Indonesian archipelago, and the most significant ethnic minority group are the Chinese, who have played an important role in commerce since the 9th century. Mestizos, those of mixed race, form a tiny but economically and politically important minority. Small communities of expatriates and Negrito forest tribes that inhabitants the more remote areas of Mindanao constitute the remainder.Some others ethinic group are Caucasian and Negro.


Malays, they form the bulk of the population and number around 80 million, accounting for 98.7% of the population. However the population of malay shows sharply increase between year 2001 to 2009 that is 18.1% from 7,539,632 to 8,903,432 people.
The Chinese in philippines most are successful and prosperous business people. They form part of both the upper and middle classes. They number around 42097 during year 2001.During year 2009,the number of chinese raise until become 45785,that is 8.76%.
Mestizos, they form a tiny but economically and politically important minority. The combined number of all types of mestizos constitute no more than 2% of the entire Filipino population.Their number population are 15,419 in year 2001 and declined to 13,765 during year 2009.
Caucasian, they are mostly recent immigrants from US, Canada, and other European countries who settled because of economic opportunities. Many are successful and are in the upper class. They number about 14,271 in year 2001 and grew to 15000 people in year 2009.
Negritos, Aeta are the negroid pre-Malay inhabitants of the Philippines, closely related to the Papuans. They are also known as the Aborigines of the Philippines. They are the poorest and most disadvantaged segment of the Filipino population. Their numbers have been decreasing rapidly between year 2001 and 2009 that is from 23511 to 21,765 people about 7.43%.
Lastly,Negro which occupied the least population in philippines shows a sharply decrease between year 2001 to 2009 that is from 505 to 428 people,about 15.25%.


In our point of view,the population of ethnic group in philippines will grow if the the government creating enough jobs and providing the necessary basic needs to keep the same (low) standard of living.However,the growth in the population causeed by migration also will causes problems like unemployment crime and unhealthy situations.Hence, The social and economic overpopulation will be unavoidable if the growth of the population will not decrease dramatically.


In conclusion,government of philippines should takes action to avoid the continuity growth of population in philippines.Besides,the government also have to emphasises the harmony of different ethnic group in philippines.